
For decades certain drugs, intially used solely by doctors and researchers, have been ostracized from the world of legitimate science.

After a long exile from academia, researchers are now looking to psychedelics as promising solutions for addiction, depression, and PTSD.

WHEN TODD’S PSYCHIATRIST suggested he start taking psychedelics, he figured it was a joke.

JI-PARANÁ, Brazil — As the night sky enveloped this outpost in Brazil’s Amazon basin, the ceremony at the open-air temple began simply enough.

For centuries, some indigenous groups in South America have relied on a brew made from the parts of a local vine and a shrub. Credit: Lisa Johnson Getty Images

The chill of the fluid flows through Iona's arm as the DMT - N,N-Dimethyltryptamine- is pumped into her bloodstream.

The diagnosis of Clark Martin’s liver cancer came at the same time as the birth of his daughter, with doctors informing the clinical psychologist that he likely had about a year and a half to live.

“Why are you so sad?” I asked myself, as if I were now two separate and distinct entities. The other me answered with a question: “Wouldn’t you be sad too if someone died?” “Who died?” I asked cautiously as I drew closer to the dark corner. “What if it was you?” came the reply.

My psychedelic experiences aimed at self-healing were transformative. In them, the same gunshot victims who had haunted my dreams now returned with a message of hope...

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