Policy Makers

“The truth of the matter is, the vast majority of people who engage in substance use are able to do so without criminal consequences. But for an unlucky few, their decision to use substances results in harsh, life-changing penalties. The War on Drugs has thus created a cruel roulette wheel of sorts. And it’s a weighted wheel, as the data clearly shows that Black people and people of color are far more likely to face criminal consequences related to drug use than white people.”

Eli Savit, Washtenaw County Prosecutor, about the Ann Arbor, Michigan City Council Vote to decriminalize entheogenic plants and fungi

Policy Makers Contact

For City Council Representatives, City and County Prosecutors, & City and County Law Enforcement.

Complete this form to schedule a meeting with a leader of DNNWA and to request a copy of the draft resolution, which is based on resolutions passed by over 27 city councils across the US.

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