
Patients given psilocybin report continued well-being a year later.

On October 29, 1966, the Austin-based band 13th Floor Elevators performed their psych-rock hit, “You’re Gonna Miss Me” on American Bandstand.

The diagnosis of Clark Martin’s liver cancer came at the same time as the birth of his daughter, with doctors informing the clinical psychologist that he likely had about a year and a half to live.

Rock paintings and incisions of the prehistoric periods are to be found all over the world, and serve as a testimony to the pre-literate history of human cultures.

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) — Addicted to food, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, or painkillers?

An entheogen is a psychoactive compound, typically from natural sources such as plants or fungi, that can be used to alter consciousness for spiritual purposes (Johnstad, 2018).

“Why are you so sad?” I asked myself, as if I were now two separate and distinct entities. The other me answered with a question: “Wouldn’t you be sad too if someone died?” “Who died?” I asked cautiously as I drew closer to the dark corner. “What if it was you?” came the reply.

Psychaedelic drugs have been linked to a lower risk of suicide in marginalised people in a new study.

The resolution does not allow for the commercial manufacturing or sales of such plants or fungi.

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