
Patients given psilocybin report continued well-being a year later.

Psychaedelic drugs have been linked to a lower risk of suicide in marginalised people in a new study.

I HAVE been struggling with an addiction to opiates for the past three years. It started with prescription painkillers and progressed to full-blown heroin dependence.

At the age of 12, Jay was smoking cigarettes and weed; by 16, he was snorting coke; two years later he was taking heroin and crack – but he says by the time he left university he was a “functional drug addict”, able to get up in the morning, put a suit on, travel from his parents’ home in north London to his job as a banker in the City.

"Leon" is a young Brazilian man who has long struggled with depression. He keeps an anonymous blog, in Portuguese, where he describes the challenge of living with a mental illness that affects some 300 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.

Nearly ten years ago, in the middle of a monthlong meditation retreat, Spring Washam had a sobering experience. Far from entering one of the blissful states of concentration that often mark the jhanas, the progressive stages of meditative absorption outlined in Theravada Buddhism...

After years battling arduous laws and red tape, psychedelic therapy research is enjoying new found freedoms. The onus is now on scientists to prove it really works...

Gwyneth Paltrow has predicted the next big health trend will be psychedelics.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University hope to eventually reclassify psilocybin from a schedule I to schedule IV drug, according to a news release from the research institution

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